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The true terror of the game is not the AI, but the environment! This just brings chills and fantastic vibes! Great Job! 


 Hey! I played your game on my stream, and I encountered a small issue! Whenever I was reaching that FNAF/Button area it didn't switch to the FNAF mode where I have to press them as it happened for others! Feel free to check it on the stream: Here's the link for it: 😄
Game Number: 3
Playthrough ended at: 1:40:50

  I would also appreciate if you could give an opinion on our latest game. Game devs advice is precious because we know better what it takes to make something work. It's called "Backdoor Shifts"

it seems the trigger was deactivated for some reason... an easy fix which i'll release a patch for in a few minutes! maybe you'll give it another go once its possible to complete the game again?? :)


ngl this game wasnt the best but the villian was hot so it cancels out

Deleted 2 years ago

LMAO bit of both (joke and learning)... it's supposed to be a deliberately unpolished parody of really generic horror games, but i agree it is a little too rough in some areas and i'll implement some changes based on your feedback! however i would suggest not being so harsh in your wording if you plan to critique other games as well, we're all just here to have fun at the end of the day :D


Man Imma need to lie down after this

GREAT GAME I love games that don't take themselves too serious its always a great time 😄 if you wanna see my blind reaction to the game it starts at 5:32 I hope you enjoy!


You really captured most of the generic horror clichés that have been overused. It is surprising how simple the design for most of these horror games are, even the random lore in the background was funny (Mr Place created Mascot). It reminds me of how generic horror games became after Slenderman.

Going to keep watch for what else you add.


This was fantastic lmao great break from the tryhard scary games! Your game is the first one!


really cool! I could see this being longer and being even more enjoyable. Could add morw that parodies the fnaf genre hehe


Really good! I would love to see a longer version or story version of the game but without cinematics.

The game is good. It shouldn't be scary

(1 edit) (+1)

how long did it take you to make this? and what engine did you use?

just a little bit of work every day for a couple of weeks, and i used unity! :)

i really like the game and would love a series of this game


As someone who plays indie horror games almost daily, its nice to fake fun of the tropes and genre sometimes lol great work with this, had a lot of fun with it! Beautifully done

Place For Children | Gameplay 

I love how this game plays off of the animatronic horror genre! It's such a humorous silly game, HOWEVER, that animatronic is straight NIGHTMARE FUEL! I do wish since it's a parody of these games, that there were more nights that you could revisit Place For Children and perhaps play more mini games and survive longer until you uncover the truth (unless I just missed that you could go back) but overall, this was a great experience!
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big creepy


 horror game

This was fun and we love it. You could easily build on this. Keep up the good work. Definitely looking forward to more!

I loved this! I appreciate that there's no nuance here, the game makes it very clear that it's parodying the mascot horror subgenre. It's done in a silly way, but the game also has some genuine anxiety inducing moments. Would love to see an expansion of this, maybe with more animatronics? Either way, I enjoyed this a lot! Great work!

Great game dev 

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